The most notable implemented projects

With the support of donors, we have implemented many projects, carried out countless humanitarian aid deliveries, and created new projects of our own. Below are the major projects we have implemented since 2022.

International conference of psychologists in Riga

In 2023, from December 10 to 17, the association "TEV" in cooperation with the University of Latvia in Riga organized an international conference of psychologists "Preserving mental health during war" on providing psychological support to Ukrainian civilians who suffered from war injuries and soldiers who were prisoners of war. During the conference, specialists from Israel worked with psychologists from 40 schools in Ukraine and 20 schools in Latvia, sharing their experience and teaching how to provide psychological support to the population affected by the war. Within the framework of the conference, the participants also visited the National Rehabilitation Center "Vaivari" and the Riga Psychiatry and Narcology Center. This is the first project in which specialists from three countries cooperated, giving and gaining knowledge vitally needed today for providing support to the population injured in the war. Thank you to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia for their support in organizing the conference !

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Minibus for drone operators

The drone operator minibus has been transformed into an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) mobile control station for reconnaissance in Ukraine. Volunteers from the association "Tev" have already converted two minibuses into UAV mobile control stations with multiple operator positions and sent them to Ukraine, where soldiers effectively and purposefully control drones in combat against the aggressor. Currently, a new project is underway - the conversion of a third drone operator minibus.
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Drone school - Your birds

On March 15, 16, 2024, Kaspars Polis, a volunteer of the Ukrainian support society "TEV", organized the first drone piloting lessons for the youth of the youth guard camp, including the youth guards of Ulbrok High School, within the framework of the civil defense training course "Drone School - Your Birds". Young guards learned to navigate the map system and terrain, pilot a civilian drone, understand the main functions of its use in everyday life, as well as in various extreme situations. Young guards performed various practical tasks under the supervision of instructors. One of the main goals of the drone school is to create awareness among young guards about civil defense as part of the national security system.
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X-ray machine, ultrasonography machine

In cooperation with several Latvian health centers, institutions and with the financial support of donors, we have provided various medical equipment for Ukrainian medical institutions - X-ray machines, eye examination machines, ultrasound machine and other medical equipment.

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X-ray machine
Ultrasonography machine

Eye examination apparatus

With the financial support of donors, we have provided a very important eye examination apparatus for biomicroscopic examination of the front part of the eye. It was sent to Ukrainian medics, who help detect eye damage in civilians and soldiers as accurately as possible.

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All-terrain vehicle

The all-terrain vehicle is an "automonster", a medical evacuation vehicle, with the help of which medics can take wounded soldiers out of the front area and thus save their lives. Project "I will cover!" the initiator and author of the title is volunteer Alina Marshal from Odessa, who lost her only son in the war. She believes that everyone who gets involved in this project "covers" the Ukrainian boys and helps them return home faster. The association "TEV" responded to this call, and the first medical evacuation vehicle was sent to Ukraine. We want to send some more "all-terrain vehicles" to save the guys' lives.

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The association "TEV" with the financial support of the USA has already organized two twinning camps for Ukrainian families who have found refuge in Latvia, as well as for Ukrainian soldiers who are undergoing a rehabilitation course in Latvia after being injured at the front. The program for each day, involving experienced instructors who teach the Latvian language, songs, dances, various traditions and exciting games, helps to temporarily forget the horrors experienced in the war and return to a peaceful life.

The camps are organized in cooperation with US funding.
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Water filtration container

A mobile water filtration container brought to the region affected by the Kahovka dam blast performs a 3,000 liter/hour purification function, providing purified and drinkable water to local residents. Thanks to Riga City Council for the financial support to realize this project.

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Mobile tire station - car service in a truck

Mobile tire station - car service in a truck that can arrive anywhere and at any time. Changing and repairing tires is a very pressing issue on the front line. And with this donation, we are helping Ukrainian comrades in arms to save time while protecting their land. The guys work in 2 shifts, the tires are changed every moment, because the mobile service is located only 25 km from the hottest front line.

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Purchase of specialized vehicles for army battalions

By December 2023, the association has handed over 60 cars.

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Supplies of medical equipment and aids

In cooperation with the charity fund MedAid4Kids Ireland, deliveries of medical equipment and aids to Ukrainian civil and military hospitals are organized; sent at least 30 heavy trucks with valuable and necessary equipment.

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Ķekava support center


The Ķekava Support Center provides help and support to both Latvian residents and refugees from Ukraine. here in Latvia. Our hard-working Ieva Kolosovska, who is loved not only in Ķekava, but also in its surroundings, will find the most suitable clothes, a pair of shoes, a package of food for everyone, help them find a job or simply humanely be by their side when a friend's shoulder is needed. The Ķekava Support Center is a place where nets are woven, warm soup is offered, food packages are given out, clothes and other everyday things are needed.
Ieva Kolosovska - head of the Ķekava support center.

Net weaving and trench candle casting

Attracting several groups - kindergartens, schools, work teams, volunteers - net weaving and candle casting are organized, and the finished product is sent to defenders of Ukraine.

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